Tight Lines chromed chin guards are the perfect addition to your on or off shore fishing arsenal. Ideal for slow trolling big dead baits for Spanish mackerel, GT's, cobia and more. These chromed chin-guards are 85g or 3oz and will allow you to slow troll medium baits such as small bonito, skipjack, mack tuna, tailor, ribbon fish and wolf herring and rig up big garfish, pilchards, yakka, slimey mackerel and a number of other smaller baitfish.
- Check the pics out to rig a bonito, first rig the chin guard with approx. 400mm wire and two or three x 6/0 or 7/0 or 8/0 hooks ganged. I like to use Mustad 7766DT Tarpon hooks (check out the Mustad tab in the site for hooks). Then line up the bait so the head is in the center of the chin-guard. Sight where hooks are to be inserted into bait and insert hooks. Then line up the two head spikes and pierce as straight as possible through middle of head. Use two small elastic bands to hold the head against the chin-guard, lock the elastics in behind the mouth hinge and flare the gills over the edges of the chin-guard. Place bait into water with motor just in gear to check that it is swimming straight and make any adjustments if necessary. Once bonito is swimming straight, put bait 15-20m behind boat in prop wash and slow troll bait with motor just in gear. Bonito are deadly bait for Spanish mackerel and the result is my mate with a 22kg Spaniard on a slow trolled bonito.